Dark Future Wiki


Asphodel in The Collapse of Tartarus

Asphodel was The Sixth Generational Ark within the Dark Future Universe, created by Edge Menace to host mankind as a renewable resource of The Xark offered as tribute to the Mass Void.

Within Dark Future's Tales of Existence - Asphodel is told in three consecutive parts;

  1. The Collapse of Tartarus
  2. Riding out of Asphodel
  3. The Isles of Elysium

Primarily, Asphodel is told through the perspective of Robotic Engineer Syd Wolf , who contributes significantly to the Mass of the Androids , and the Third Age of the Singularity by creating the first Organic Operating System (OOS), Lusid.

Asphodel comes to a close with the Arrival of the Lastlings via Time Beam , sent back from the Uthenian Empire to help restore the Universe of Man. Foreshadowing the existence of a Devastator of Masses and establishing the Unite of the Fallen Stars.

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